Tuesday 26 January 2010

Moving on Up?

Am currently just waiting for my manager to check and approve my supporting statement, then I'll be submitting my application for a role within my department. It's quite a big step up, but also, a really important and exciting one, I can hardly contain myself! God knows how long I'll have to wait to hear if I'm even shortlisted, let alone, get an interview and get the job. I know the manager pretty well, heck, the job is in my own department.

UPDATE: Literally as I was typing the above, my manager appeard and said my statement was perfect, and was so typically me, it had a good personality. Fantastic. So, it's all submitted, will wait and see what happens now. Eeek! Wish me luck.

I do have my list of 10 Random Things, so will try and do it later on this afternoon.

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