Slept this afternoon, which means I will probably be up for ages yet. Great. So am listening to music and attempting to find a present for a 2 year old and a 51 year old. Hmm, not so easy. Any suggestions? Seriously, does anyone read this anyway? How to I whore my blog to get some readers!?
Really cannot be bothered to think about work this week, it's likely to just encompass more crap. Plus we have some 'Staff Open Meeting' on Tuesday and I've been given the job of looking after the Key Note speaker, gee thanks! Am sure it'll be fine but yknow, just effort to be polite to someone for a sustained amount of time. Politeness does not come easy for me.
Anyway, I will post again shortly, am putting together the 10 Random Things post that I was tagged to do by Alex.
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